Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Fire Safety

Fire Extinguisher
The First Alert EE32 is the 2.5 pds extinguisher. This extinguisher is 5BC Rated.

Safe Escape System
Laser Fire Escape System. Laser is activated by the sound of your smoke alarm. Three Lasers penetrate through the smoke giving a visual exit area. Adjusts to fit any home, Test and Reset Button,Low Battery Indicator. Five Year limited Warranty.

2-Story Fire Escape Ladder
This 2 story, 13 foot, tangle free, escape ladder is easy to use and quickly attaches to any window. Fully assembled. Compact design for easy storage.

3-Story Fire Escape Ladder
This 3 story, tangle free, escape ladder that is easy to use and quickly attaches to any window. Fully assembled. Compact design for easy storage.

Fire Blanket
Treated to retard fire. 3′ x 3′ Woven Cloth. 10 year guarantee

Fire Resistant Document Bag
Protect Your Property Deeds, Passports, Birth Certificates, Cash, Photos and more. Holds Legal Size Documents. Not a substitute for a safe deposit box.